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Comprehensive Precision Turning & Milling

Advanced Turning-Milling Composite Machining

Our Turning-Milling Composite Machining service delivers exceptional precision and versatility. This advanced technique merges the capabilities of turning and milling into a single, unified process, enabling the production of complex parts with intricate geometries and superior finishes, all while enhancing efficiency and reducing lead times. Ideal for industries demanding high-precision and multifaceted components.

25 Yrs Experience

With a rich legacy spanning 25 years in the machining industry, our journey has been marked by a relentless pursuit of precision and quality. This extensive experience embodies a deep understanding of machining intricacies, from classic techniques to the latest in CNC technology.


Dual Spindle, Dual Turret Machining

Our machining services, featuring state-of-the-art Dual Spindle and Dual Turret capabilities, are powered by industry-leading equipment from Nakamura-Tome, Doosan, and Mazak. This advanced setup enables simultaneous machining, drastically improving efficiency and precision. It's ideal for complex operations requiring high-speed, high-precision production with reduced cycle times.


多轴加工是一种涉及沿四个或更多方向移动的刀具的制造过程。这些工具用于铣削多余的材料、水射流切割或激光切割,以金属或其他材料制造零件。这种类型的加工最初是在大型复杂的机器上机械地进行的。这些机器在 4、5、6 甚至 12 个轴上运行,这些轴由凸轮板上的杠杆单独控制。凸轮板提供了控制工具装置、工作台固定零件以及使工具或零件在机器中旋转的能力。由于机器的尺寸和复杂性,需要花费大量时间来设置生产。 [1]计算机数控加工引入后,为加工复杂零件提供了一种更快、更有效的方法。

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